lundi 1 mars 2010

ZVBF Training Workshop 2009 in Gowke (Zimbabwe)

"The Volleyball promotion across the campaign"
(Lausanne the 12 of June 2009) The Zimbabwe Volleyball and Beach volleyball Association
(ZVBF) affiliated to the World Volleyball and Beach volleyball Federation (WVBF) in
collaboration with the Zimbabwe Sports and Culture ministry organized a week long training
course for rural areas’ sports teachers in Gowke sports club.
This week dedicated to promote volleyball in rural regions had great success with over 65
teachers from 30 different schools around the country.
Neil Chamisa, the above mentioned association’s President and WVBF’s board member was
impressed by the event’s success : "interest that these people have for the Sport is amazing.
This week was really exciting and rewarding for us."
The World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation (WVBF), the only world Volleyball and
Beach Volleyball institution who respects and fully implements the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) fundamentals: democratic election by secret ballots, finance transparency
and development congratulates the ZVBF’s project and thanked the Zimbabwe’s authorities
for the confidence and support to WVBF’s events.
The Education Minister’s spokesman, Mr. Muzondiwa thanked Mr. Chamisa’s team for giving
time to teach volleyball rules to these sports teachers. He mentioned that this event was the
fist one to be held in this remote area.
President Chamisa promised to organize other training workshops in a near future. Couple of
weeks are already scheduled during June in Kariba and Mutare.

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